Below are the steps to use towards self love. Follow these in addition to the spell that follows.
Defining Self Love
Love is a gift from the Creator(s) or universe (whatever you believe in). A truly magical experience that we are blessed to have in our lives. We love our friends, families, pets, and lovers, but few of us truly love ourselves. That's the topic today. I want to help you get in touch with the love you have been depriving yourself of for far too long. First I want to clarify something. Self love is not just being proud of yourself for your achievements, it is loving who you are at your best and at your worst. It is showing yourself compassion when you make mistakes and caring about who you already are, not just who you want to be. Start with self compassion when make an error. Think of how you would talk to a friend. Now direct that same kindness to yourself.
Finding Your Identity
In order to love who you are, you have to know who that is. What are your values, your goals, dreams, and ambitions? What traits do you have that make you beautifully unique? Perhaps you are creative, maybe you have good communication skills. Whatever it is about you that makes you special, cherish and nurture it. Find a way to make your passions a part of your everyday life. If you're still figuring it out or you're reading this and feeling lost that's okay. A great way to learn more about yourself is through journaling. Follow the following journal prompts for self discovery. For more writing prompts just use a search engine.
What are 5 things you do well?
What are 3 things on your bucket list?
What would you do if you could do anything for a living and get paid?
How would you live if you weren't afraid of what people thought of you?
Would you rather have $5 Billion Dollars or start life over with the knowledge you have now?
Healing From Trauma and Releasing Past Pain
All the pain of past failures and events are lowering your vibrations and clouding your energy. It's time to forgive yourself for your wrong doings and move forward with your life. If you truly want to love yourself you have to heal. It sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Being healed and enlightened? Well unfortunately I'm here to tell you that the path to healing is long and uncomfortable. However, it is a necessary step towards achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. I recommend therapy, but if you like many underpaid Americans cannot afford it, then I recommend buying a few workbooks for mental health.
Daily Self Care
When you think of self care, you probably think of facials and bubble baths. Well that is all good for you, I'm here to tell you that self care is a lot more than just a spa trip. One form of self care is spending time with people who make you happy or making time for you to work on hobbies you enjoy. Another part of self care is protecting yourself from negativity and setting healthy boundaries. Spiritual self care could be cleansing yourself of negativity regularly and the act of meditation or spell casting. I personally like to take time each day to speak with the deities about my spiritual questions and concerns within my life. One exercise I strongly recommend is standing in front of the mirror each morning with your hand on your heart saying “Good morning, I love you (and your name).” I know it sounds silly and probably feels quite strange at first, but as you do this eventually the day will come that you say it and you feel the love you have for yourself. Hopefully you start to feel more positive as you implement self care into your life.
Treating Your Body With Love
Exercise and diet are a very important part of physical health. However, that is not what I am talking about today. No matter what the scale says you should feel comfortable within your own skin. Despite what you may think, not all skinny people love themselves. Your body is a work of art and is made to attract people who are right for you. Not everyone will like it, but someone will value each part as a masterpiece. Today let's focus on you. Please stop comparing yourself to others and holding negative judgements about your body. Your self worth is not defined by what you look like. It's the beauty within you that counts.
Stop Dreaming of a Savior
No one person can fix you and make your life perfect. You have to do that yourself.
I used to think that I would grow up and the perfect man would come and all my struggles would vanish. I would be cured of my mental health issues and everything in my life would be perfect. I'm here to tell you that that's bullsh*t. The only way to heal your heart is through hard work done by you for you. So start by following the steps on this page.
Divine Love
You are the product of something divine. Whether you believe in a god or not. No person is exactly the same and that makes each of us special. We ourselves are magical all on our own. We all carry the energy necessary to make our thoughts a reality. The best way to start living a joyful and fulfilling life is by having positive thoughts and self talk. We manifest what we think and say about ourselves. So love yourself like the divine would.
If after all that you still want some extra help with self love here is a spell for you.
Self Love Spell
- Pink candle
- Rose petals or oil
Day of practice :
Help me love myself inside and out
Clear me of the self hate and doubt
Give me the peace of mind I need
So that I may succeed
Show me my true self
So I can bring them to better health
For this I ask of you
As I say it make it true
- Wipe yourself with the petals or oil
- Cast your circle
- Say the words above
- Burn the petals or oil
- Keep it burning throughout the night
- Repeat as needed